Local news…


It has been nearly a year since my last post. It has been a busy year keeping the local outlets supplied and responding to specific orders that have come through the studio.  Last fall there were four local stores selling my work and recently two have closed their doors and a third will no longer sell art or craft objects while choosing to focus entirely on food and wine related products.  Given the temporary lack of local outlets, while I look for new outlets along the north coast; I will open my Nehalem studio doors for direct sales.  To date, all sales from the studio have been in response to orders for specific products that are not available in the stores.

A few days ago, Scott Wilson (jscottwilson.com) and Chad Adrews (caphoto.500px.com) took several photos in the studio.  Watch for an update to all sections of the web site in the next few days.  Stop by at the J. Scott Wilson, Fine Art Studio + Gallery for the current show of Scott’s and Chad’s recent work in Manzanita.  320 Laneda, Manzanita Oregon  97130

Firing a glaze load

Yesterday I fired a glaze load of 40+ objects—ten large mugs that will go to Longevity, and ten rice bowls that will fill outAsian/Japanese Finnesterre’s  collection of offerings.  The load also includes ten small low profile bowls.  These new items are glazed with pastel colors (new for me) — Scotch Pine, Shiny turquoise, Lavendar Lupin, and Golden Yarrow.  These items will be looking for a new home. And finally a large bonsai pot that will be donated to the Lower Nehalem Community Trust for an auction/fund raiser scheduled for June 16.  The full action item is a lesson in bonsai development provided by long time bonsai enthusiast, Eunice Massy.  The family that wins this item gets the full package—-A demonstration including stock (tree) selection, shaping and pruning, training (wiring), root pruning, soil preparation, tree placement, selection and placement of moss and objects (usually small stones), and long term care.  And, of course, the winner takes home the created bonsai and pot.

After working in my studio today, I helped Scott Wilson, a new artist in Manzanita, install lighting fixtures in his new gallery located on Laneda Avenue. The formal opening will be in midJune, but be sure to stop by Memorial Day weekend.